For the new generations, children and grandchildren of these immigrants, the exhibition, organized from the collection of the Morashá Memory Center, was the rescue of a world rich in religiosity, culture, education and traditions that was left behind, but that was not lost. in time thanks to the photographic records, documents and objects that made up the exhibition.
It was as if the past was gaining a new life, in a torrent of memories both pleasant and sad.
For the new generations, children and grandchildren of these immigrants, the exhibition, organized from the collection of Morashá Memory Center, was the rescue of a world rich in religiosity, culture, education and traditions that was left behind, but that was not lost in time thanks to the photographic records, documents and objects that made up the exhibition.
Regarding the visual aspect, with a predominance of the Jewish communities of Syria and Lebanon, the exhibition unfolded into a series of panels containing photographs that showed family gatherings, various wedding rituals, unforgettable moments of faith and devotion in the celebrations of the festivities and holy days of Judaism, teachers and students of different ages in different schools, relaxed shots of people in moments of leisure in a peaceful time that seemed stable and, highlighted, dozens of images of Jews, men, women and children, under the caption "in the faces and expressions of each Jew, the profiles of the people's permanence".
Along with photographic records, and objects related to the liturgy and pieces of clothing, the exhibition "Raízes de uma Jornada" presented precious original documents such as passports, marriage certificates, financial transaction papers, school diplomas and other similar documents, constituting in its an entire living panorama of how the Jewish communities of Beirut and Aleppo lived, before political events and social upheavals sent them on the path to the diaspora.
Considered in all its scope, the exhibition reviewed with permanent emotion the trajectory of the immigrants who, with their families, came to build new lives in the city of São Paulo. Thus, "Raízes de uma Jornada" paid a fair tribute to the generation that faced and overcame the most harrowing challenges of survival, leaving a legacy of honor and fidelity to their national and religious origins, so that it can be followed, over time, by their descendants.