Launched in 2000, the Morashá magazine portal,, became a vast and diverse repertoire of information about Judaism. Currently, it brings together around 1300 articles on a wide range of topics, including History, culture and religion. This virtual collection, visited by thousands of people every month, has become a true electronic library […]
Launched in 2000, the Morashá magazine portal,, has become a vast and diverse repertoire of information about Judaism. Currently, it brings together around 1300 articles on a wide range of topics, including History, culture and religion. This virtual collection, visited by thousands of people every month, has become a true electronic library of inestimable value. At special moments in the Jewish calendar, especially in the days before the High Holidays, the portal registers an impressive flow of almost 50 thousand visitors per month.
The wealth of this material originates, in large part, from the articles included in the Morashá magazine since 2000, the year the electronic page was launched. The publication is recognized for the depth and diversity of its content, consisting of religious texts, historical analyzes and debates on contemporary topics. By bringing together this collection on a single platform, the Morashá portal facilitates access to these resources and research on them, which benefits students, academics and all those who wish to deepen their knowledge of Judaism.
One of the most striking features of the Morashá portal is the variety of topics available. To provide a detailed look at Jewish History from biblical times to the present, the platform covers, among others, the analysis of the Diaspora; the emergence and evolution of diverse Jewish communities around the world; The Shoah; the creation and development of the State of Israel.
The portal goes further by providing additional resources such as lighting candles before Shabbat, selling Chametz and informational materials about Jewish festivities, including a Guide to seder de Passover, One Haggadah de Passover and the prayers of Kiddush uttered during the feasts of Rosh Hashana e Sukkot. Both the magazine and the portal contain articles on the observance of sacred and important dates in the Jewish calendar, such as the laws of Yom Kippur and instructions for lighting the candles. Chanukah.
The Morashah portal is not just a valuable resource for the Jewish community. It also functions as a source for anyone interested in learning about the richness of Judaism, regardless of religion or nationality. The articles are written in a clear and accessible way, making it easy for readers of all backgrounds to understand.
The relevance and accessibility of the Morashá portal have established it as the most accessed Jewish content page in Brazil. Such recognition not only attests to the quality of the materials made available, but also reflects a continuous desire for learning, in addition to an increasingly intense connection between Brazilians and their Jewish heritage.
Throughout its existence, the Morashá portal has always been in constant evolution to adapt to new trends and technologies, as well as to continue offering the best to its visitors.
In order to support this constant advancement and increase both accessibility and ease of use, it recently underwent a major update, with the launch of a new version of the page, carefully designed and programmed by LEN Comunicação e Branding to make it even more enjoyable. reading the content.
The objective of this renovation is to make the portal's vast collection even more accessible to everyone, regardless of where they are or what device they use. For this purpose, we will soon make available a translation tool for English and Spanish, as well as including a plug-in which allows people with disabilities to access it appropriately. The new natural, more modern and stylized, enhances users' visual experience and reflects Morashá's commitment to continuous innovation.
Our team works tirelessly to bring more improvements and features to the portal. Judaism has, in its essence, the constant search for wisdom, study and knowledge. In the contemporary digital universe, this thirst for religious, historical and cultural knowledge finds a valuable repository of Jewish content on the electronic platform of Morashá magazine.