Hanukkah, the festival of lights! Who would have thought, a turnaround in the history of our people... This was neither the first nor the last time that the people of Israel, finding themselves in serious trouble and apparently without
The Talmud states that the simple fact that the people of Israel realize the need to feel humble on Rosh Hashanah makes the year very abundant and blessed. A feeling of humility and reverence is vital
What is a friend? Someone you talk to every day? Someone you go out for coffee with and talk about how you spent your day? The term friendship does not have an accepted meaning
Bar mitzvah is not just a party; At the age of thirteen, the boy has the obligation to fulfill the
Rabbi Y. David Weitman responds In Judaism, divorce is God's way of expressing His understanding. Is there divorce in Judaism? What to do when a couple doesn't live in peace and
Certainly, members of a family can have serious friction, individuals and groups can separate, but they have no way of leaving the family. You can even hate her, but it's impossible
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Lighting the candles