Germany's history is long and turbulent and the lives of the Jews who lived there were difficult. They were discriminated against, targets of persecution and massacres, accused of ritual murder, poisoning of
A collection of ancient manuscripts were discovered between 1947-1956, in caves in the Judean Desert, and constitute the greatest archaeological discovery of the 20th century. few archaeological finds –
“Die, but do not transgress” is the expression that best describes the attitude of the Jews at the time of the Crusades. Martyrdom and Kiddush Hashem (Sanctification in the Name of G-d) were
On August 24 and 25 in the year 79 CE, the volcano Vesuvius erupted, leveling Pompeii, where the Roman elite maintained luxurious mansions. The eruption occurred, practically on the same day,
Doctors and surgeons practiced medicine in Portugal in the Middle Ages and early modern times. Their surnames are mentioned in the “Royal Chancellery Books of the Kings of Portugal” or in works
The 17th of Tammuz in the Jewish calendar is a day of fasting and marks the beginning of the Three Weeks of Mourning that last until the 9th of Av. In the year 1242, the day was marked by the burning of hundreds of volumes
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Lighting the candles